Chapter Two - A Dream
The headmaster tapped his pen on the punishment column in the discipline file. "I'm waiting, Edwards. Why do you want to come back to school next year?"
Charlie's mouth still felt dry. "Because I want to sit my final exams, sir."
"Yes, but why? Why are you suddenly so interested in finishing high school, Edwards? You've shown little interest in your schoolwork to date."
"Um, err— Well, you see—" Charlie struggled to find the words.
Hamilton pursed his lips and shook his head. "Oh, stop wasting my time, Edwards. I'm doubling your detention to four hours. Now get out of here!"
Charlie's heart was pounding like it was about to burst through his chest or up through his throat. He swallowed hard and said, "It's because of a dream I had last night, sir."
"A dream!?" the headmaster shouted in disbelief, throwing his pen onto the desk. "Right, Edwards, I've given you enough warnings," he thundered on, standing and reaching for the curved length of thin cane which he kept beside his desk. "It's a caning for you as well as detention."
Charlie's eyes were wide with fear. He knew the cane and the whip-like sound it made when it sliced through the air. And the sting and recoil when it hit the palm. But it wasn't the cane that Charlie feared. He'd worn its sting enough times to do so without flinching. What Charlie feared most was last night's dream.
"Please, Mr Hamilton," he pleaded, breathing heavily, "it wasn't just a dream. It was more than that. It was a—" Charlie searched for the right word. "A premonition, that's it. I had a premonition of what would happen to me if I didn't finish high school and sit my final exams. That's why I came to see you today, sir. That's why I want to come back to school next year. The dream, the premonition, it felt so real. I don't want it to come true!"
Hamilton lowered the cane and regarded the breathless, wild-eyed boy. He recognised the scared look in Edward's eyes, having seen it many times in the headmaster's office and back in the army. But what did the boy fear?
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"Tell me about this dream, Edwards," Hamilton ordered, resuming his seat and laying the cane on the desk. A gaggle of students passed the headmaster's office and peered through the glass door. But with one severe glance from Hamilton, they averted their eyes and silenced their gossiping.
Charlie's knees were shaking. He knew the prospect remained the headmaster would not believe his story. And instead, Heavy-Handed Hamilton would dispense the cane with additional detention and deny him the opportunity to return to school next year.
He had to make the headmaster believe there was more to the dream. It was a premonition. And most of all, Charlie had to make sure it did not come true.