Short Stories on Tall And True

Fiction writers, magicians, politicians and priests are the only people rewarded for entertaining us with their lies. ~ Bangambiki Habyarimana

Tall And True showcases the fiction and other writings of writer and podcaster Robert Fairhead. Guest Writers are also invited to share and showcase their writing on the website.

Viral Thoughts - Man Squeezing Temple

Viral Thoughts

I enjoyed the pub last night, chatting with old friends, and I wish Ellie had joined us. But I should have listened to her, drank less, and popped a blocker. I'll get no sympathy from Ellie today, waking with a hangover and viral thoughts I feel compelled to share.

Santa driving his sleigh across the full moon.

Nick's Helper

The job offer notification pops up on my phone early on Christmas Eve. It's a short-term role helping with overnight deliveries. The regular delivery driver has hurt his back and needs an offsider for heavy lifting. Once, I would have declined the job and spent Christmas Eve with my kids.

More Time and a Ouija Board (the board)

More Time and a Ouija Board

My hearse is lost. I'd like to let the mourners know that, for once, this debacle is not my fault. But my spirit is tethered to my body until they lower the coffin into the grave and bury it. And communicating with the living would be difficult unless someone brings a Ouija board to the funeral.

The Dismissal Paradox - Old Parliament House, Canberra

The Dismissal Paradox

On the steps of Parliament House on Remembrance Day, 11 November 1975, the Governor-General of Australia's Official Secretary read a proclamation signed by Sir John Kerr dismissing Prime Minister Gough Whitlam's Labor government. When he had finished, Whitlam strode forward and delivered his response.

A Five-Act Play on Humanity - Amphitheatre stage

A Five-Act Play on Humanity

Your William Shakespeare crafted clever lines with hidden meanings, like, "All the world's a stage." It's as if he had insight into my five-act play on my pet subject, humanity. Act One: Earth is a Garden of Eden. A troop of apes descends from the trees and totters on two legs on the African savannah.

Stolen Passions - Funeral Cortege

Stolen Passions

Dad probably hoped to take his secrets to the grave, but a heart attack scuppered his plans. "Will you come back for the funeral, Aaron?" my sister, Becky, asked when she called with the news. "Yes, of course," I replied. "And can you stay a few days to help Mum and me tidy up Dad's stuff?"

The Interview - Waiting Room Chairs

The Interview

I'm not anti-woke, but the interview line-up in reception for the call centre job looks like your typical twenty-first-century checklist to ensure unsuccessful applicants can't sue the company for discrimination. For a start, the six serious candidates are split fifty-fifty between males and females.

Twin Souls in the Universe - Swirling Nebula

Twin Souls in the Universe

If you thought about it, the process for selecting the first matter transference test pilot was archaic, although Mae considered it a lucky omen when she drew the Blue 15 raffle ticket. Blue, not pink, was her favourite colour as a girl, and at 15, Mae had decided she wanted to become an astronaut.

The Good Sport - 1500 metre running track

The Good Sport

I arrive late for Josh's athletics carnival. His mum and I attend school events on alternate years. "Tell Josh I'll be there," I'd said when she called to remind me about it. "Don't let him down again, please," she'd replied. The last event in Josh's age group, the 1500 metres, is about to start.

The Power of Two - a nighttime alley.

The Power of Two

I'm a lone-wolf superhero. Heck, I'm not called Solo Shield for nothing! So, I wasn't keen when Long Vision suggested we buddy up as a dynamic duo. "I don't know, Viz," I replied. "Neither of us wants to play Robin to Batman." "It won't be like the comics, Solo," he asserted. "We'll be equals."

You Have Been Warned - a pair of slippers watching the universe on a TV.

You Have Been Warned

Excuse me, humanity, please pay attention. I have an urgent message. "What? Not in the middle of my reality TV show!" I'm sorry. I'll be brief. But first, a little background. My message concerns the fate of a pale blue dot in the inky expanse of the universe. Beyond its fragile borders is vast nothingness.

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